- Send us your submission through
- Your Super Story can be in Arabic or English within 250-350 words with the theme "Super Sam and Super Sara Battle their very first Unhealthy Villain"
- Your Super Drawing can be any artwork created by you with the "Super Sam and Super Sara Battle their very first Unhealthy Villain"
- The submission must be created by you! Please send us your original masterpieces only.
- Write and draw masterpieces that feature Super Sam and Super Sara and their super powers!
- Only kidz between 4 to 6 years will be eligible for the Super Drawing competition
- Only kidz between 7 to 10 years will be eligible for the Super Storyz competition.
- Our Judges are awaiting your submissions – send them in and watch this space!
- If you have any further questions please read FAQ’s or feel free to Contact us
- Entrants must obtain their parents’ or guardians’ permission upon entering
- The entry must be an unpublished piece and original work
- The winning entries will be used as and when deemed appropriate by the organizer and sponsor
- The ownership of the rights to the publication of the winning entries will transfer to Beat Diabetes and may be used at their discretion
- By entering the competition, entrants agree to observe the terms and conditions of the competition, including permission for Beat Diabetes to publish, print and distribute the winning entries and to use photographic images of entrants where appropriate
- The winner must be available to attend the prize-giving
- Please read carefully: By entering the competition, entrants agree to observe the terms and conditions of the Competition, which include permission for Beat Diabetes (The sponsor) to publish images of the participants in all stages of the competition in any promotional materials. Participants should be aware that they might need to obtain parental consent for this. Judges’ decisions are final and no correspondence will be entered into with regard to these decisions. In accordance with normal conventions for international writing competitions, entries which do not adhere to the said terms and conditions will not be considered.
- By entering the competition, entrants agree to allow us to publish their stories, names and biographical information without any compensation to the notified winners.
- The winners will be contacted by email by the Sponsors, and must reply within five working days to maintain eligibility. If the winner(s) cannot be contacted within this time period or fail(s) to respond to any attempted contact, such winner(s) will be disqualified, his/her entry will be declared null and void and the Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to select another winner based on the judging criteria, in which event these provisions shall apply to such other eligible entry.
- Ownership /Use Rights: Entrants retain the copyright to their stories. However, by entering the competition and on being selected for the long list, you grant the Sponsors a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to publish and reproduce in part or full in print or online media, and to display your full name, short story and photograph in connection with Sponsors’ business, through print or online media channels. For the avoidance of doubt, the scope of full reproduction / full publishing is limited to publishing the story in a comic, an anthology and / or e-book format. However, before we commence with the exercise of such license, you will be allowed seven days’ time from the date of the long list notification delivered to you by email to decide on whether you are agreeable to retain your participation in the competition. The listed entrants will also be contacted separately for publication in the print anthology.
- Indemnity: By participating in this competition, you agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Sponsors, and their office bearers from any and all damages, injuries, claims, causes of action, or losses of any kind (including but not limited to lawyers’ fees) arising from your participation in the competition, your violation of any term of these competition rules, your violation of any third party right, including without limitation any copyright, property, or privacy right; or any claim that your submission caused damage to a third party.
- Banning: The Sponsor may, in its sole discretion, prohibit any person from entering the competition whom it believes to be abusing the rules. Such abuse includes but is not limited to falsification of information and/or identity, plagiarism, racial discrimination and bigotry.
- Terms & Conditions apply*